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The Dream

Far away in a peaceful and tranquil dimension lives a kind and wise wizard. His name is Monty. Within his world all creatures live in peace and harmony. Happy and content in the knowledge they were loved and respected. This was a world like no other he had experienced in all his travels. He was so happy it was his home. H e would often walk among his fellow creatures and smile. He could imagine nowhere else that he would rather be, but here in his garden. However, he had an overwhelming feeling of sadness that had kept him up all night. He tossed and turned until finally he could sleep no longer. What was it that laid heavy in his heart? Suddenly, he remembered a dream he had that night, so real and disturbing. I must know if it is real or just a dream, he thought. He sat down and looked into his crystal ball, chanting, “Crystal ball of truth show me what I must see.” When the mist cleared what Monty saw made him gasp. The Earth as he knew it was changing. Children were misbehaving and...

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