Open Your Eyes

 Brothers & sisters, we are in troubling times.

We are under attack by those who claim to care about us and our family.

Those who we put in power have deceived us.


All we want is peace. 

We have the right to a future free from tyranny.

We must open our eyes to the truth. 

Our children have a right to live in a just free world.


Why are we fighting? 

Why are we killing each other?

Who gains from all this bloodshed?

Why do those in power think they have a right to manipulate us?


Evil is trying its hardest to destroy our very existence.

We have to stand up and fight for what is right.


Investigate - Do not be blinded by the fake main stream media. They are experts at spinning lies and  are in bed with the evil that wants to consume us. They lie for the elite.


There is real truth out there if you look.

Anyone who contentiously perpetrates hate is not worthy of our trust.

Those who reach out a helping hand to their fellow man are the ones who are true.


Pray to God for his mercy, for we need him more than ever.

We are not pawns for the wealthy to play their war games.

We are all Gods' children.

He alone has the right over life and death.


Those that defy his teachings will answer to him.

There is no escape.

Rich, poor, we will stand before him.

In the end, there will be justice for all those that suffer.

Like the sands of time, our time is running out.

The Thumb Buddies reach out to you with love.

Where there is darkness - There shall be light.


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