I Wonder
I wonder sometimes why God has not destroyed our world.
The Anger & Disappointment he must feel I could only imagine.
The arrogance that mankind has shown him is immeasurable.
God gave us a second chance, a new beginning.
Jesus Christ his son died on the cross for our sins.
He, the son of God was sacrificed to show us the way to heaven.
Have mankind not learnt anything from his sacrifice?
Bloodshed has being spilt and for what?
How much innocent death is it going to take to satisfy the demons among us?
The dismissal of innocent lives, man, woman, child & animal.
There is no excuse to hunt and kill for the amusement of some of the elite.
Remember the Devils time is nearly up and he will answer to God.
Those that follow him, that worship him will feel the raft of the one true God.
No matter who you are, your riches, your power on earth will be short lived.
Your eternal soul will be dammed for all eternity.
The blood that is shed of the innocence will be avenged.
Israel what has happened to you?
Why are you committing such atrocities, genocide of the Palestine people in Gaza?
I am sure God is angry and your light that was once bright has darkened.
Your actions have become that of the evil one.
Stop before it is too late.
Your judgement by God will be harsh.
Nothing comes from the spilt blood of the innocence.
Palestine has the right to live free of tyranny and so do you.
Come together and live in peace.
We sympathise with those who are trapped in senseless violence. We cry for the innocent lives that have been taken.
The Thumb Buddies and their creators mourn the death of the innocent.
To the Russian People
Our sympathy and love go out to you all. We cry with you.
We know that losing someone to needless violence makes no sense.
We pray for the innocent lives that was stolen in this horrific terrorist attack.
What people with no conscience will do for money and power is shocking and pure evil.
We pray to God for the deliverance of his people.
Do not fall for the trappings of wealth and power.
Every life should be treasured.
Remember God loves us. The Devil hates us and wants to destroy God`s children. His creations.
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7
Paradise is waiting for us. All we have to do is follow God`s Commandments.
Love and cherish each other in Jesus name. Amen
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