Make A Stand
Stand up and make a difference. We are in the cross-hairs of Pure Evil. Don`t sit back and let evil win without a fight. Fight for your children, for what is right. Don´t believe what is being told to you without investigating. Look to the people who are risking their lives every day to bring you the truth. People such as Stew Peters, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, Jackson Hinkle, Redacted with Clayton & Natalie Morris, Jimmy Dore and many others.
Our world, our societies, our way of life is going to change for the worse.
Some of the Elite are out to destroy us by working on behalf of the Devil.
They are putting into motion our destruction, and there will be no turning back.
We are in the End Days and The Book of Revelation is coming to pass. Jesus' return as the ultimate King, where he will restore his people and usher in a new creation. This promise motivates every generation of God's people to remain faithful in the midst of persecution and hardship.
Repent and turn to Jesus Christ. He is our only hope for salvation. Satan is pulling out all the stops, but he will fail. Good will ultimately triumph and create a paradise for the followers of Christ.
Have no fear, put your faith in the one true God. Lucifer is going to pay the ultimate price for his evil and those that follow him will be forever dammed to the deepest bowels of hell.
We pray for all God's children. Redemption is the only way. God have mercy on your faithful servants and the innocence of our children and creatures. In Jesus Christ name we pray for the salvation of our souls. Amen
Follow the Light of Jesus Christ.
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