The Fight for Family Values

We have been drawn into a vortex of evil. Those who have turned away from God and the teachings of his son Jesus Christ are on a destructive path.

The annihilation of our societies is in full motion. Where have family values gone?

Transgenders are trying to push their beliefs not only on to us but, most importantly, our innocent children.


Stand up and refuse to be intimidated by a society that is imploding and wants to take you with it. Protect your children by any means. You are the only shield they have from these deviants.


Teach them about God and his only son, Jesus Christ, our Saviour. 

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”


Do not stand and watch parades of these disgusting people and their depraved behaviour. Protect your children from this unholy display. Do not give them satisfaction. Sodom and Gomorrah were two cities destroyed by God for their wickedness.


There are so many misconceptions about what is going on in the world today. Russia is being shown as a horrible place. Vladimir Putin is a president that his people can be proud of. A man of honour and a child of God who wants nothing but peace and security for not only his people but the world.


President Putin has extended an invitation to anyone who feels they can no longer live in a corrupt society. Where they are being singled out for their religious beliefs and the family unit is being threatened.


We were born into this world by the breath of God who gave us life. Those that set out to destroy his creations will answer to him.


God made man and woman to procreate and therefore create a family. This family unit is constantly under attack. 


Jesus told the Pharisees, “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder” (Matthew 19:6). Marriage is of God. He joined a male and female together. It was brazen for anyone to pull them apart.


Hold on to Family Values and do not let anyone take your rights away. Our little friends the Thumb Buddies were created for children.


To impart positive messages to kids and the community at large. Bring people closer to one another through understanding. Demonstrate that all things are possible when the mind is open.


We believe in the family unit and our objective is to protect children from the evil that is attacking their innocence.

President Putin A man of God.


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