Disern the Truth From The Lies

 What does it take to change the essence of a man?

What turns the human spirit into a creature unrecognizable and detestable?

With all the complexities of life, humankind has evolved into unrecognizable beings.

Countries that attack and annihilate people for material gain are no better than monsters.


I am speaking to all those that are risking their lives. The elite who run your government are playing war games at your expense.

In the meantime, your countries are falling apart, your loved ones victimized and all for the greed and amusement of the elite.

They use you to gain more wealth while people suffer. You get killed, maimed or suffer from PTSD. Is the government there for you? Many of you end up on the street traumatized and demoralized and for what? You go with honour to defend your country on the word of deceivers. Your life is important, your family is precious. Think hard before you obey blindly. Your life is expendable and irrelevant to those who have no conscience or loyalty.

When will you stand up and say enough is enough?

To justify the brutality of innocent people is beyond evil.

Take off the blinders that have been holding you back from seeing the reality of your society. Take a good look around you.

Is your country thriving? Is your family living a good quality of life? Are your cities safe or are they incumbered with danger? Do you feel safe when you go out? Can you afford to go to a doctor? Are your children encouraged to have an education? Are you living in a moral society? Do you feel you have a voice that will be heard or do you feel threatened if you speak up? Freedom of expression, freedom of religion is that under threat? 


Encouraging hatred among people. Inciting violence, accepting the whims of others who have no moral compass. Defying God's creation of Man and Woman. To try and change oneself, to conform with those that have warped values. All this is detrimental to the human spirit.


Our children are under attack by deviants who are trying their best to destroy the values that are moral and right. To take away their innocence.


We have to fight back to regain a society which is just for all. God created Man and Woman. Together they bring new life into this world. There are those who try to distort the truth. We must not conform to the sickness that is enveloping some societies.


If you don't have the right to watch what you want, such as other news from around the world, for example, RT News or independent journalists. Ask yourself WHY. 


God gave us free will to think for ourselves. To learn and discover the truth from lies. If you don't have access to a broad range of information, how can you learn? Journalists are being targeted for reporting the truth. Risking their lives every day. Some were killed for daring to expose what really is going on.


If we are going to survive, we must stand up for what is right. We are at the cusp of World War 3 and there will be no winners. We have the right to live in a peaceful world. Do not let Satan drive us to the point of extinction.  The elite think they are unreachable, but they are so mistaken. There is nowhere for them to hide. No bunker that God cannot reach. Power and wealth are fleeting. No one escapes death and when you spend your eternity God will be your judge.


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