Innocence of A Child

 How sad is it to live in a society that has turned their backs on God.

Where people have lost their way, their identities, their soul.

Children are being exploited for perverse pleasures, for sinful indulgence.

What kind of sick, disgusting, immoral, evil person exploits the innocence of children?


Satan Worshipers, followers of evil, your time is coming to a swift demise.

You will stand before God.

Jesus is going to avenge the innocent.

I hope you will enjoy your eternal life in the deepest bowels of hell with the Devil.


Enjoy your earthly treasures because they are temporary.

The children that have been exploited or murdered will have their justice.

The innocent blood of all those that have been killed will be avenged.


You might try and destroy God's creations, his children, but you will fail in the end.

We are born male and female. No manipulation of the body can erase your DNA.

Only women can bare children. Remember by the breath of God we are born into this world.


A song sang by Youssou N`Dour & Neneh Cherry - 7 Seconds Away.

It tells the story of what happens when a child is born into this world. It has no concept of the tone of skin it's living in. Beautifully said! 


Children are so precious, so innocent, so trusting. We must protect them from those that want to take away their innocence. Never turn your back on a child in trouble.


Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. “'Truly, I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.


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