Ultimate Evil Against Children
Imagine waking up to news that wounds your soul. The unthinkable, un-imaginable horror.
A whistleblower with conscience reported this atrocity to the Russian authorities.
God Bless this woman who helped to save these innocent children.
Fifty children were rescued by Russian Forces who were imprisoned on an Adrenochrome Farm near Shostka, Ukraine.
They were found emaciated, victims used to supply Adrenochrome.
Russian forces also intercepted a refrigerated truck trailer transporting the refined Adrenochrome from Ukraine to Warsaw, Poland, where they believe the shipment was destined for waiting aircraft bound for Western Europe and the United States.
According to reports, the children's captors had drained their brittle young bodies of blood and adrenal fluid so frequently that their survival depended on being fed intravenously and kept in a medically induced coma.
President Vladimir Putin is determined to use the leads generated to destroy the global Adrenochrome supply chain and punish those committing these crimes against children.
We live in a world that is so terrifying for adults. Can you imagine how it must seem to a child? Children are the main focus of evil. Satan seeks to destroy the most innocent, the purest souls he deems a threat to him. His disrespect, his hatred, his vengeance towards God is plain to see. He is the great Decepter. Don’t fall for his games. Pray to God. Repent and ask him for forgiveness. Jesus came to show us the way to heaven and everlasting life in Paradise. Ask him for guidance. Show your love and commitment to him.
Children are filled with goodness and a natural faith. Evil seeks to corrupt and defile what is good. Children are innocent, and for the most part, adults desire to keep them from experiencing things that can rob them of their innocence. God is an enemy of anyone who would actively seek to harm any child; Jesus forewarns us about the harshness of the punishment for such actions. The punishment is so harsh that death is a more desirable option.
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