Look Into The Eyes of The Homeless

Have you ever looked into the eyes of a person who is homeless?

If you take just a second to look, you will see the fear, the hopelessness, the pain inflicted on them by society?

Governments who are more interested in giving money to fund wars you have no say in and to line their pockets.

People are suffering. Homelessness is at an alarming rate. That could happen to you, your family, next door neighbour, any and everyone is at risk.

The Elite are playing with our lives. They are greedy and power-hungry and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals of total dominance over us all.


When all you see is the lore of wealth and power and will do anything to achieve it at the expense of others, you are truly lost. You have given in to Satan and his deception of earthly gifts.

Do you ever sit and contemplate what happens when you die? Your wealth will not save you, and you can't take it with you. If you are lucky to reach into your senior years and reminisce about what you have achieved, does it fill your heart with contentment and happiness to know you took part in the suffering of your fellow man? If so, you are doomed to spend your eternal life in misery in hell with Satan. Will all your earthly possessions comfort you then?


Take a good look at what you have become. It is not too late to change and ask Jesus to forgive you. Repent and ask for God's mercy. Help your fellow man and rebuke the Devil in Jesus' name. Then and only then will you have a chance of redemption.


Jesus' first problem with wealth is that it tends to displace God in the lives of wealthy people. “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Luke 12:34). Jesus wants people to recognize that their lives are defined not by what they have, but by God's love for them and his call upon their lives.


We are living in a world that feels like we are suffocating from blatant evil, and it knows no bounds. Our children are the prime target for the Devil. This is because they are pure and innocent. He seeks to destroy us all because of his hatred for God. He is desperate and is on a rampage. Turn away from him and pray for deliverance and forgiveness. Turn to our Saviour Jesus Christ, because through him, we will be saved.


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