True Happiness

 It is quite disturbing and disheartening how much the world is changing.

The values that were once adhered to seem to be vanishing.

Children's innocence is being exploited. Child predators are being bold and acting without fear.


God created us all with love, so much so he sent his only son Jesus to show us the way to heaven and everlasting life in paradise. The disrespect that is being shown to him is infuriating. Imagine your child being ungrateful and disrespectful when all you did was give them love.

Satan is on a rampage to destroy us, and he is getting lots of help.

The weak-minded, selfish, arrogant, greedy people of society will stop at nothing. The lure of power and prestige is so enticing and irresistible. No one is exempt from their greed. They would go to any length to achieve their goals.


Open your eyes. Don't hide from the truth. Turn to Jesus our Saviour and repent. Ask for protection and guidance. We are born into this world innocent. A book that has yet to be written. A clean slate, innocence in its purest form. We must do all we can to protect our children. Follow the one that loves us unconditionally. Follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, the son of God.


The enticement of wealth, power is fleeting. One day when your life is over, when you succumb to death, what will happen to all that glitters? Where will your soul reside?

The desire to stay young, putting your body through stress to attain youth. All that plastic surgery will not change your age. Time stops for no one. All that vanity will not save you from the certainty of death. 


Rich, poor, young, old, there is no indication of how long we have on this earth. Why spend it on the lure of earthly goods and pleasures at the expense of others? You are missing out on so much. People who would cherish you not because of your money but for simply being you. The real you, free from the trappings of pretence.


We are brothers and sisters, children of God. What God has created, let no evil corrupt. Think for yourself, discern the truth from the lies. Imagine a world where there is peace. Where our children can be safe.


We imagine that world where all God's children can live together free of hatred, free of greed and full of love for each other. 


Kick Satan and all his deception to the curb. Ignore his lure. Eternal life in Heaven is what we should strive for. The greatest pursuit one can achieve is not measured by wealth but by deeds. 


Have a heart - Help your fellow man. True Happiness Awaits You.


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