Help The Children

There are things in this world that are incomprehensionable.

Nothing can prepare you for the realization that we live in a world saturated with evil.

Through all the wars we have experienced, nothing can prepare you for the true extent of the horror experienced by innocence.


Children, the most innocent of us all, are being abused, killed, trafficked and used in ways we can't wrap our minds around.

We come to understand that there is a force out there that wants the destruction of humanity. Enjoy the suffering that is inflicted on innocence.  Will go to any extent to eradicate God's children.


Satan is such a deceiver and there are those who fall right into his trap.

The allure of wealth, power, eternal youth is too endearing for the weak-minded, self-centered people among us to resist. 

The elite who think they are beyond God's reach. I have no doubt that they will stand before God and atone for their actions.

No matter your wealth or social standing, we all die and will be judged in the end.


Christians are being attacked constantly because the evil ones know that Jesus Christ our Savior will be coming. They are scared and desperate. Satan wants to destroy us and the weak-minded among us are enabling him. 


Do they think that the enticement of material trappings will save them in the end? Can you take your wealth with you when you die? Death is inevitable. No one lives forever. Our bodies die, but our souls live on.


We must choose the path we want to take. Choose eternal  life with God through his son Jesus Christ. Jesus died on the cross for us. He was resurrected to show us that there is life beyond death. Through him, we can achieve eternal peace and happiness in heaven.

We know that this life is short. Time goes by in the blink of an eye and stops for no one. One day when your life is at an end, where would you want to be? In paradise with God or hell with Satan?


Jesus said - “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul (psychē). Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul (psychē) and body in hell” (Matthew 10:28). “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life (psychē) as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).


It is not too late to turn your life around and repent. Do not close your eyes to the suffering of others. Help the children. Outer beauty is fleeting, while inner beauty radiates in a way that is timeless.

Let the light of Jesus Christ shine on you and your family.


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