The Human Spirit

The phrase "go quietly into that good night" comes from the famous villanelle poem by Dylan Thomas. It expresses the struggle against death and the inevitability of mortality. The poem urges the reader to resist passively accepting death and instead to fight against it with intensity and passion. The line itself suggests that one should not surrender to death without a struggle, emphasizing the importance of living fully and defiantly in the face of life's end.

The overarching theme is about the human spirit's resilience and the desire to leave a mark on the world before passing away. 


This poem brings to mind what is happening in our world. It resonates the struggle of so many men and women who go out to fight  and die for their country.  Who leave behind their families and sacrifice so much. Just to be fooled because of the lies and the whim of the Elite. The very ones who rather see you and your family in poverty, suffering, experimented on or simply exterminated. They take great pleasure seeing us kill each other. Instil hate among us for their amusement. They fill our heads with so much negativity and lies that it is hard to tell the truth from the lies.


Do you ever ask yourself why we seem to be constantly at war? Why we are attacking other countries and killing people?  Do you think it is okay to invade another country and kill innocent people for the greed of the elite? Some politicians delight in the thought of invading other countries to exploit and take what they want. Nothing gained by the bloodshed of the innocent will end well. While you are fighting overseas, your country is falling apart and your families are suffering. Fight to rebuild your society for a better future for you and your families. We are being systematically thinned out, viewed as vermin to be exterminated at any time. We are viewed as expendable by the secret elite who are entrenched in the government.


For eight years, the people in the Dunbass were being systematically killed for no other reason than they spoke Russian. How long did you think the Russian government were going to sit by and watch this slaughter of innocent people? A Christian government who cares for their people could not sit by and watch innocent people die. They stepped in to protect the vulnerable. Christians are being persecuted and killed all over the world, but we are strong and will not be defeated.


Why are our rights being taken away? Who gave any government the right to dictate to us what we are allowed to watch, such as RT News? They want to keep us ignorant and compliant with their views. We can think and discern for ourselves the truth from lies. Why are so many journalists being hunted down, jailed, persecuted and killed for showing us the truth? Remember these people are putting their lives on the line for us.


One such brave soul was Gonzalo Lira, a Chilean-American war commentator known for his critical views on the Zelensky regime and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, who passed away on January 11, 2024, in a hospital in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Lira's death followed an eight-month imprisonment on charges of ”justifying Russia's military actions in Ukraine”, sparking international controversy and raising questions about freedom of speech and human rights during wartime. 


God Bless him for his sacrifice and dedication to the truth. There have been so many journalists that have been killed for simply trying to show us the truth.


We are at the brink of World War 3. No one with a sane mind wants to bring about the end of our world. No one but the great deceiver Satan. The Anti-Christ has started his dominance over our world. The ones who follow him will be cursed for all eternity.  Is the promise of wealth, power and the insatiable lust for immortality worth your eternal soul? Truth always comes to light. Where there is darkness - There shall be light.


Wake up, repent before It's too late. Those that have the blood of the innocent on their hands will feel the wraft of Jesus Christ. They will tremble at his feet, but there will be no mercy. God is supreme, the greatest, the most powerful, and the highest above all. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. 

The truth will set you free. Rest In Peace Gonzalo Lira. God Bless You. You will be missed but your light will burn forever in our hearts. Thank you.


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