Where Evil Lives

It is devastating to those of us who follow Jesus and his teachings to know that innocence among us are suffering at the hands of pure evil.

In the United States of America it is believed that over eight hundred thousand children are missing, probably more. Most of them migrants. What happened to those children? It seems that the West is under attack by Satan. We must fight against his hold. Repel him and pray to Jesus Christ our Lord for salvation.


It is beyond the imagination to think of a child being used, abused, trafficked by pedophiles, used in the sex trade, forced labour, satanic rituals. Children used to supply Adrenochrome to the vain evil elite who think this would keep them young. The children's captors had drained their brittle young bodies of blood and adrenal fluid so frequently that their survival depended on being fed intravenously and kept in a medically induced coma.


I have news for you. There is no fountain of youth. No matter how you attempt to achieve immortality, it will be in vain. God created us all, and only he can grant that which you desire. That is not going to happen. Promises of everlasting life can not be granted by Satan. He has no power over life. He is the great deceiver and has you fooled. Even to believe in his lies tells us that you have an evil soul.


To be complacent about the suffering of others, especially a child, is beyond forgiveness. You who have the blood of innocence on your hands will be punished. There is no where you can hide from Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. He is coming, and you will tremble at his feet.


The elite have built what they think are impregnable bunkers, but there is nowhere Jesus Christ can't reach. Your money, wealth and power will not stop the punishment that is coming for you.


Do not believe what the mainstream media tells you. Open your minds, think for yourselves. Look for journalists who are out there reporting the truth. They are putting themselves on the line to show you what is really going on. They are being lied about, threatened, jailed, killed all for trying to warm us. Be vigilant and protect your family. 


We know this is a website for children. It is because of this that we feel we have to do everything we can to help bring to light the plight of these missing children. Every child has the right to grow up free and innocent.


God our father hear the cries of your children

Punish those who have the blood of innocence on their hands.

Guide and protect us from Seen and Unseen Forces that wish us harm

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ - AMEN


We are but a grain in the sand. What we do now will determine our destiny. 

Love all God’s creation, both the whole and every grain of sand. Love every leaf, every ray of light. Love the animals, love the plants, love each separate thing. If thou love each thing, thou wilt perceive the mystery of God in all; and when once thou perceive this, thou wilt thenceforward grow every day to a fuller understanding of it: until thou come at last to love the whole world with a love that will then be all-embracing and universal.

Fyodor Dostoevsky

Jesus is coming one day. Are you ready?


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